TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Godspeed IC efficiency data.
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Subject Godspeed IC efficiency data.
Posted by kkrofft (OH) on May 01, 2010 at 6:17 PM
  This message has been viewed 1834 times.
Message Back on the 22nd there was a thread where relative value of the Godspeed sidemount IC's was discussed. I have wanted to see some efficiency data for them and so I decided I would have to test them myself.

The test setup was done on the passenger side IC as follows:

J-thermocouples connected to an IO Tech PDaq/56
4 t/c's were used. One in the pipe from the turbo compressor to the IC. One in the pipe from the IC to the throttle body. One in front of the IC and one behind the IC.
The car was at operating temp. Ambient temperature was approx 70 degrees F. Boost was limited to 15 PSI.

The chart below represents my leaving my house and driving a half mile out of town.
The red line is temp in front of the IC, green is behind it.
Yellow is the temp going to the throttle body and the light blue is the temp out of the compressor.

From the chart and applying the formula IC efficiency % = [T(compressor or outlet T) - T(exiting IC)]/[T(compressor or outlet T) - T(ambient)], it appears that in this test the IC's were working at 70 to 80% efficient.
I think it mattered that I have a set of my IC ducts and fender liners installed so air was well directed through the IC's.

This should be considered as one data point and not as the typical results one might expect but I do believe that the low end of the calculated efficiency at 70% is still a respectable number.


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Every now that ever was is still exactly when it was, when it was now.

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