Last weekend in Houston, there was a celebration of Japanese culture. Both Car and Anime with a Dual con. On Thursday was a Night drift contest at Gulf Grayhound Park on the SE side of Houston. With Vaughn Gittin Jr as special guest drifter and Judge. 

Smoky Nagata of Top Secret in the house. He was in town for a Tuning session Mon-Wed for another part of this event. 

And Fri and Sat afternoon/evening was Import Reactor Car Show in the parking garage of the Hotel hosting the Anime Convention. Along with Vaughn and Smokey, Jenny Chu and Tia Tanaka join in the fun. Saddly no Z32s. Many many Z33s and a few Z34s and a couple of S30s. But I didn't get any decent pics due to people and lighting. SpeedHunters and Mayday Garage took some awesome pics. look them up for much more coverage. [ ] 

 Tia loving the heat and humidity.

 Smokey knows what's up!

Both PedoBear and Butters where in the House too..
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