TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - My latest project... Intercooler ducting.
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Subject My latest project... Intercooler ducting.
Posted by kkrofft (OH) on February 10, 2010 at 10:50 AM
  This message has been viewed 3046 times.
Message A few months back I posted I was working on developing a set of ducts that would work with the GodSpeed I.C.'s
Here is what I came up with. The general concept is having them surround the IC intake, the turn signal and the fog light area so users can opt for whatever mod suits them to increase air flow. While the ones shown are Stainless Steel, if I produce them I will use .032 Aluminum. They should work with any fascia but might require trimming in some cases which in aluminum is easy to do with a heavy pair of scissors.

I am still working out pricing but it looks like they will run about $100 a pair if there is enough interest. Email me if you are interested and it will help me determine whether to proceed.
I will also have available Aluminum replacements for the stock IC's for about the same price.


Now occurs everywhere, simultaneously. But it doesn't have to be experienced the moment it happens.  

Every now that ever was is still exactly when it was, when it was now.

Then, in terms of perception, is nothing more than all the nows that are no longer now.  

Thus, the difference between now and then is when.

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