TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: whatever
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Subject Re: whatever
Posted by Tech@EPR on December 31, 2009 at 10:31 AM
  This message has been viewed 412 times.
In Reply To whatever posted by aliaZ on December 31, 2009 at 09:31 AM
Message Who are you Don? Seriously. I don't see you building engines for a living or machining for that matter. You may be a mechanical engineer but they don't know everything man. Seems that you live and die by the book on anything...thats what I'm tryng to show ppl in getting away from in engines. The factory service manual and "suggested" clearances aren't always right. Thats why they are "suggested"...doesn't mean you need to follow them.

no pedestal is being sat upon...aftermarket pistons for a racing application have tolerances that need to be machined to. Ask any race engine builder and he will tell you that. I have no idea who you spoke with at Wiseco but I can safely say that if you spoke someone who builds engines (race) or even street..that they will tell you you should open clearances. You have the same mentality as many of the rest in thinking that out of the box is good enough or perfect. Wrong assumption.

It has nothing to do with who I am and what have you....I'd like to think I"ve been building engines longer than you have and have seen and experienced quite a bit more in the real word of racing and engine building/machining. But i guess that doesn't mean much to someone like you. You can build your engines your way all you want. That is your prerogative completely. I on the other hand have my ques and details that I put into the engines that prolong their life and make them run a lot better.

I think maybe you just spoke to a salesman and not a tech that deals with racing engines and components on a legitimate level. Try calling a few race shops and ask them the same question. May find some surprising information.

reccommended clearances are for stock applications per you mean to tell me you have your blocks honed to .0025 like Wiseco suggests? C'mon man..get real...if you can't see that going to an aftermarket rod/piston/bearing and so forth isn't factory then by all means keep doing what you are doing. Keep throwing rod bearings and scorching up rod journals...OEM clearances are for OEM builds/parts. You can't tell me that the materials and clearances on a forged build shouldn't be better than stock to make an engine run smoother. I know my engines run smoother by merely turning the engines over by hand and seeing how the engines perform on a day to day basis. But again...who I am right? Don...i have respect for you but it seems you take offense when someone that does this for a living gives his expertise on a subject and you just wisk it away because its not "suggested per FSM" or not what you would do. I'm sorry man but any race shop or respectable engine builder is going to tell you the same thing I am.

As far as Kuah is concerned...what does he have to do with this thread? I haven't built him an engine what so ever. I machined a block for him a few months back and he did the assembly and everything himself. Don't try and make it look like I'm the can stop that pinning bullshit with me. If you "hear" so well why don't you talk to Kuah himself and find out what happened. All I've ever done is machine parts for him...end of story. I'm not going to get into Kuahs affairs with his engine builds as he wants to do those himself and his way that is completely fine. I've already offered to build him an engine but he has many other underlying issues that still need to be resolved that I feel aren't fixed yet.

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