TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: oh? What are you doing to ensure his crank doesn't break
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Subject Re: oh? What are you doing to ensure his crank doesn't break
Posted by Tech@EPR on December 30, 2009 at 8:24 AM
  This message has been viewed 334 times.
In Reply To oh? What are you doing to ensure his crank doesn't break posted by aliaZ on December 30, 2009 at 07:57 AM
Message well i did a detailed inspection of the original crank and it had a hairline crack in it that was so hard to pick up on. I had to use a mag glass to find the detail. The new crank has been magged and is perfect condition. The stock cranks will hold up to the abuse with no issues. The contrevorsy of the cranks cracking and ppl being too weary have no cause to be worried. That crank that Steve had, had issues prior to going into the assembly that subsequently hadn't been picked up on. That coupled with excessive abuse and not using any form of dampening that crank had no chance of survival. His setup now is much different and I'm quite confident he will make more power than his last go around. He's also running quite a few different coatings I apply as well. Piston/bearing/camshaft/lifter/valve/combustion chamber coatings are all being done.

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