TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: Re: What is actually considerably more "discouraging"
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Subject Re: Re: What is actually considerably more "discouraging"
Posted by Fairlady Z31 on August 30, 2009 at 12:59 AM
  This message has been viewed 144 times.
In Reply To Re: What is actually considerably more "discouraging" posted by Tech@EPR on August 29, 2009 at 12:00 AM
Message :No ones ever hid. i've been on both forums and no ones ever made an effort to get in contact with me. Being 5 years ago and have spent thousands in paying back numerous customers I've made good on pretty much everyone. I didn't pull a GMS/Boost Solutions charge customers and then suddenly leave, close shop and the customers were out everything....and while your statement on forgiveness and what not may hold matter the severity of the along with many others will never let down what happened. To this day the accusations are still being thrown around and yet to this day no one wants to face the truth. And thats ok because I can't make everyone believe and understand some are just going to be how they are no matter what.
:But i'm going to go down this list real quick...
:vendors who take orders for many many thousands of dollars of parts from customers all over the world, don't deliver, make excuses to stall while taking more orders,
:No one stalled..why would someone stall? But I seem to see and have seen quite a few threads with this very same issue you've had but astonishingly you recruited many members to come onboard and help delete all the bad Z1 press. I on the other hand took the heat time and time again. While I've worked so hard in fixing what was wrong and progressing you among so others just can't seem to push past something that happened over 5 years ago.
:completely disappear leaving customers without money or parts
:I didn't go anywhere...i've been on the same forums for years anyone whos contacted me I've resolved to the best of my ability. If those that didn't contact me, theres not much I can do because just as you always say...."I didn't know there was an issue, email me etc etc and I'll fix the issue promptly" i can't fix something I don't know about. Don't you agree?
:Totally unacceptable, it's stealing on a grand scale, and should be prosecuted.
:Like you haven't taken haven't showed up to customers homes/business for weeks if not months on end with no word from you or anyone yet you've charged their CC. it only gets brought to light after a customer has tried to contact you and then suddenly makes a post on the forums giving you bad press that you are so quick to jump and protect your rep. Dont exclude yourself on the account of me. I never stole from anyone..if anyone had something stolen was me. Customers credit cards were reimbursed standard issue via the merchants. Thats standard procedure/policy.
: Z1 has had growing pains over the years and made mistakes, but the difference between our mistakes (that everyone sees we always make an effort to correct) and taking peoples hard earned money and running, is black and white.
:You make an effort to correct because bad press had been published on the forums. If it weren't for that you'd of kept on doing the norm. Where do you see I took hard earned money and ran? All the customers that had money charged on their CCs were reimbursed...or after selling pretty much everything I owned received the parts they originally purchased as I did my very best to come out of pocket to ensure they were taken care of. Yet no one saw that side of everything. You only saw what you wanted and "ran" with that. Amazing.
:I can't fathom why the admin here entertain your presence.
:With your stunts you've pulled directly to the admins and owners of this site you have no room to talk. I've done nothing of the sorts. Nor would I either. There's a reason why you aren't a sponsor on this site anymore...its quite obvious.
:Yes I suppose people can change, and I am a fan of forgiveness and second chances
:thats good because Im nothing of the type of person that so many claim or depict to others across the community. I help a lot of individuals and I am as honest and forth coming as one can be. I made a bad business decision years ago...and it ate my ass up big time. But that doesn't mean I'm a cheat/theif/fraud/etc etc like so many others have drawn me out to be. You only know as much as you read online...the truth of what really happens in life is far more detailed than what the internet can explain through individuals.
:but even we are aware of outsanding debts you have with some of our customers, as well as suppliers we deal with, that remain unpaid and unresolved.
:If this is the case they have all the ability in the world to contact me via email/phone and I'll fix any issue that may have been. but again I cant help what I can't honestly remember or know. So it goes back to what I was saying before.
:These people simply can't find you.
:I haven't gone anywhere. My profiles on the forums have been the same. All my contact info has always been posted. I don't see how they can't find me. Everyone knows someone and those someones know others that may know me...eventually the pipeline gets short and the two get in contact with each other. I've never hid or avoided anyone. If anything i've done what I could to ensure everyone was taken care of.
:I would advise making an effort to right some wrongs before popping back into this community. Although it seems that a lot of people already have, you haven't been gone long enough for everyone to forget.
:5 years isn't long enough? Do you have an expected time frame in which I can expect to know when the time is enough? Seriously i've worked so damn hard at keeping any and all issues that have transpired between myself and the othe party to be on good terms. From the help I offer online...emails/phone calls, engine builds and so forth I've done and tried my very best at righting the wrongs and keeping everything in good standings.
:outside all of that...what I do now and who I've always been has no bearing on what happened 5 years ago. I've grown increasingly tired of trying to defend myself on every level. Its exhausting and it only causes more drama unfortunately. The only reason why I reply to posts like this is to ensure that those that have always questioned/heard something or read something online know I am here and will always be here and I'm here to stay. I keep to myself for the most part and do what I can as a member but having to continuly live up this past reputation is like listening to a broken record thats been sitting in the closet for years. No one wants to hear that stuff anymore...theres a reason why its in the closet...because its old. Move on. I did why can't you?

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