TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Paint Job: Final Discussion
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Subject Paint Job: Final Discussion
Posted by blackomega on August 21, 2009 at 5:59 PM
  This message has been viewed 458 times.
Message The car is being prepped as I speak and I have already payed $1500 down. He just needs a paint code now.

Per my discussions on this site before, I decided to go with Artic White Pearl since the car was originaly Glacier White Pearlglow. I figured to keep it white at least.

But I am having 2nd thoughts.

I really want blue flakes in the white paint and I am not sure of the intensity of the blue in OEM Artic White. I want white pearl and I want blue flakes. I think that the blue goes on in the second coat, if so, should I just tell him to double the amount of blue flakes or 1.5 it? I really don't know about paint jobs. Basically I am asking if he can use the factory paints and just double up on the coating with flakes...

Also, does anyone know pricing on a ceramic clear coat or have any experience with it?

Sorry if this was redundant or incoherant, I was typing all this on my phone.

Thanks in advance.

"If everybody is thinking alike, somebody isn't thinking."

"Pressure makes diamonds."

~~ George S. Patton

I post from my phone 90% of the time. Sorry.

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