TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - You almost bought my balance tube, and after seeing the pics
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Subject You almost bought my balance tube, and after seeing the pics
Posted by BigTDogg (MA) on July 17, 2009 at 8:17 AM
  This message has been viewed 407 times.
In Reply To My complete overhaul of my '94 TT (VERY long) posted by LJZTT on July 17, 2009 at 05:15 AM
Message I'm glad you didn't, it wouldn't do that bay justice. It was the one I had "powdercoated" by a local rice shop in 2006, it's only good for a core now. If you did buy it, then I'd feel like a real "bastid" :-)

Lawrence, the car looks amazing man. Very nicely done. Couple of questions and comments:

-Powdercoating/chroming the engine bay generates a lot more heat. - Yes, but two things to also consider: Did you ever get a numerical value for the engine coolant temp before this transformation? Do you have a UR pulley? And if so, do you have the Bernie HI pulley for the water pump?

-Shielded wire is a bitch to source locally. - McMaster-Carr for all your odds and ends wire, bolts, raw materials needs WARNING! This site is extremely addictive if you have creative juices flowing.

-First time solderers: BUY FLUX. I did my first connections without it, completely unaware it was necessary, what a PITA. Easy as pie with resin flux. Yup, and a good gun helps too. And I don't mean a S&W :-)

-Bolt turbos to manifolds, THEN bolt manifolds to heads....or do it the hard way. I hope this doesn't turn out to be the cause of my exhaust leak. I didn't do that, and I think it would be harder to do that way, gaining access to the bottom bolts on the manifold. I also didn't have to grind my motor mount with Sport 500s (same housing size as stockers). I think my turbo inlet (DS) may have been touching, but I didn't grind because they all move together.

-Print out your write-ups. Much easier. I concur :-)

- The motor makes a shitload of lifter noise when first started up after being completely drained. Maybe this is common knowledge. I didn't get the memo, I almost freaked out. Ditto. Though I was more shocked it started at all the first time around.

-WD-40 absolutely owns Simple Green when it comes to cleaning engine parts and the engine bay itself. Yup, WD-40 and those blue shop rags, followed by some paint cleaner, mirror glaze and then a coat of wax. Works wonders and makes the entire bay microfiber cloth wipeable.

So how do you like the stockers with the MSP manis and Dual MAF? I'd imagine you have no lag at all.

Car looks great, congrats, now get out there and enjoy it. I'm off to wax mine and go for a drive now.

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"i love the cock" - genic 22:20:47 09/25/03

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"Either ignore him or beat him up. Anything else will be over his head." - Marshall 12:28:23 08/18/04

"Ok, Ill bite.." eriksu9 15:42:10 04/04/08

z32baby: yeah, my memory sucks balls
DJ Juiced: What's your memory doing this friday night? ;)

"i've got to the point where i can drive the Z at its limits and i want more" - shadowZ 16:29:56 08/31/04

"I was way more timid then than I am now about getting in there and yanking on things." - TT XTZ 13:30:34 07/25/05

"Just ran out to get some knee pads. I'm ready now... BRING.....IT.....ON... :-) " - Dave N 19:04:30 10/31/07

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