PART DESCRIPTION: Z32 TT DUAL POP-CHARGER. THIS SYSTEM LITERALLY DOUBLES THE MEASURABLE AIR FLOW OF THE SYSTEM. BOOST LAG IS SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED BY ELIMINATING THE ORIGINAL TEE HOSE AND SINGLE INLET. RECOMMENDED FOR TT CARS OVER 485HP. (MUST ORDER NEW ECU) Quote, ni[X]it 12:45:09 03/14/09, "this message has been posted under pressure of my peers, and therefore may not represent my actual thoughts of the improper use of carbon faggot. then again, it just might."
**Dynoed at 371.2 rwhp. and 362.3 rwtrq. @ .9 bar on pumped 91 gas no time tweaking 3/11/03** **Dynoed at 411 rwhp. and 452 rwtq. @1.15 kg. on race gas 104 no time tweaking 3/28/03 **All numbers are SAE corrected**