TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - New wheels again
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Subject New wheels again
Posted by Tsefreeflow on July 03, 2009 at 5:33 PM
  This message has been viewed 1471 times.
Message This was made for a member on here, so that is where I got the idea for the wheels and the black with Blue pearl paint. The bronze kicks my ass guys as it is super hard to get the color and reflections right. But you know who you are so if you need some tweaks let me know.
The other colors are just some different ideas and color combos I like. I actually DO like the wheels, very aggressive looking:


1990 300zx 2+2 TT White w/ Blue Pearl
Stage IX+

"She may beg, she may bleed, she may argue with her logic and mention all the things I'll lose, that really have no value, in the end she will surely know, I wasn't born to follow."

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