TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Big Kudos to Tim and Brett
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Subject Big Kudos to Tim and Brett
Posted by jschrauwen on June 02, 2009 at 4:51 AM
  This message has been viewed 1349 times.
Message On the last push up the hill on the way back from the photo shoot at the Dam at ZDAYZ, my Z just up and died. I nearly crapped myself as I was under full boost at the time and thought I really did some serious damage.
After getting towed back to Fontana by Ramon I started to assess the problem. Up steps up Tim quickly diagnosis' that it's a fuel pump control module problem. Tim along with Brett know exactly what to do as it seems that Brett experienced something similar a few days earlier. A quick jump of the fuel pump variable ground lead and I was up and running again.
I can't say enough about these guys. They definitely went out of their way to help out a fellow Z'er with Tim even missing out on the evenings supper.
Thank you so much guys. Your creative (temporary) fix was just the ticket to get me through the 1,000 mile + drive home.
Many many thanks!!!

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