In my opinion a dual fan setup for the TT is not optimal because the radiator is square. If the radiator was more of a rectangle then two small fans side by side would work. I also considered four 9 inch fans but a single fan is quieter and moves more air. A large single fan is best for the TT. The largest aftermarket fan I could find was 18' and it was expensive. I combed the salvage yard for an hour or so and found many larger fans to choose from. After some consideration I choose an electric fan from large body 90's Ford products like the Lincoln Town car and Crown Vic. They are 21 inches and cover the radiator very was as can be seen in the pict below. They move lots of air and their curved blades are quiet. It's hard to see in the pict but the ford fan is designed very well. The vertical supports are also baffles that optimize air flow. Best of all I got my fan for 30$ but 50$ is more typical. I have a thermostatic fan controller from Jegs that runs the fan at 50% initially and increases as the temp rises. Even at 50% speed the fan moves plenty of air. I've been using this setup for a few months and its working well and I'm very pleased with the results and would recommend this setup. 
