TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - WARNING! Public Notice for 300 Degree Customers
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Subject WARNING! Public Notice for 300 Degree Customers
Posted by Dallas DamonZ on April 11, 2009 at 4:51 PM
  This message has been viewed 5448 times.
Message It has come to our attention that 3rd parties are making inferior fuel rail kits and untruthfully selling them as authentic 300 Degree High Performance Fuel Rails. Not only are the kits counterfeit, they are also essentially non functional and in our estimation will fail with potentially catastrophic results.

If you have any question or concern whatsoever about the authenticity of any 300 Degree product you may have purchased, please contact us immediately for confirmation.

300 Degree, will not be responsible in any way for anything which arises out of one these counterfeit products. Among other things, this has already resulted in an unexpected additional $150 installer charge to the end customer due to the additional time associated with replacement of the defective counterfeited product with authentic 300 Degree product.

Damon Serkland
300 Degree


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How old is your car in human years?

When was the last time you *really* did something with your Z to call yourself a Z enthusiast?

Member #1 PETZ

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