TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - WARNING!!! NOLTEC engine mounts no good!!!!
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Subject WARNING!!! NOLTEC engine mounts no good!!!!
Posted by PCASO on January 28, 2009 at 8:04 PM
  This message has been viewed 489 times.
Message Hear it from me! Regardless, missing heat shields, over boosting, countless hard runs and even heat shield deflection wraps; noltec engine mounts are just plain crap! I should have followed my instincts upon seeing them for the first time, noting how tiny and whimpy they appeared, and just went with OEM mounts. Buyers beware! These mounts are shit, and will only cost you more money and time to replace again, which is no small feat in itself. Short and to the point...rebuilt engine, ugraded all bolt-ons,reinstalled engine,
less than 50 miles on it, parked it 4 months, moved the cars, found the noltec mounts dissintegraded on the garage floor. So, for all of you who say ..."not mine," the clock is winding down. Save yourself money, time and frustration; and put the OEM mounts in, or you'll be dropping that front cross-member cussing up a storm.

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