Wait, when did you buy wagz's car? I've been so out of the loop the past year or two, finally got back to the forum.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a passion....and it starts and ends with a Z. If you have to ask why, you wouldn't undertand. -Me 
   superheros unite
are the black male fittings larger than the white ones? (n/m) - mongoozTT 21:49:48 04/04/04 Its like wetting your pants in a nice, dark suit........ You get a warm feeling but no one else notices- AshsZ 23:46:45 02/23/04 dont pee on the hand that feeds you grapes (n/m) - genic 14:59:39 02/20/04 what a great day. Im'ma go masturbate on my roof now- ni[X]it on July 24, 2004 at 3:41 PM its about 5'' long. biggest i have ever seen. - Zski (Generation Z) 15:27:03 07/31/04 i don't know if anyone will know about this but in fast and furious at the beginning the skyline has steam or something blwon out of the sides of the car....i heard that this was similar to a blow off valve and that it is nos that is comming out. does anyone know what is the deal with this?? and if so where the hell do u get one!!!-bbman94 12:22:50 10/06/04 Damnit, my rear end is leaking.... - Jodecy 18:42:46 10/19/04 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |