everything I have added or done was done with connectors that can be easily unplugged and completly removed without disturbing it's stock condition or operation. That was my main goal along with not tapping into the original wiring harness. The only place where I have tapped into the original wiring harness is at the ECU for the SAFC and the one wire used for the kill switch. Even if the turbo timer harness is removed you only need to turn on the bypass switch and the car will work as stock. The bypass switch will then act as a kill switch. I have actually repaired things that WERE a problem and absolutely do NOT recommend using those crimp on connectors used to add and splice into wires. They are very damaging to the original wiring harness. Even if using recommended sizes for the given wire they will cause breaks in the wire strands. Incorrect sizes will cause the wire to break in two. I think if anything, I have made the car more electrically reliable.
 (Total Mouse Over Hits: a Lot) www.mytwinturbo.com Watch an ECZA meet caravan!