TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - I Guess even though I already clearly stated in my last
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Subject I Guess even though I already clearly stated in my last
Posted by Ash's Z on September 06, 2008 at 6:11 PM
  This message has been viewed 936 times.
In Reply To I can assure you Ash, you are confused about the VTC >> posted by LitlElvis on September 06, 2008 at 02:28 PM
Message paragraph that my intention here is not to bash you or your product, that obviously means nothing. I am simply stating the facts and I have no beef with you.

The one thing I know about the noise is this: I found what I see is the problem which is different from what you detailed on your website. I then came up with a completely different fix for it, applied that fix, and found that the fix worked. In the process of applying my fix, I also realize why your approach to the problem with using a stiffer internal spring would remedy the noise, but not actually "fix" the problem, which is the only thing I have said about your work, and I dont see that as bashing you or your product whatsoever - it is no different than saying the grass is green - it is what it is, right?

What I am mostly appalled over is the fact that you are accusing me of speaking "gut feeling misinformation".. How can that be when what I did fixed the real problem and my VTC no longer rattle like jackhammers anymore? I also clearly showed why both my fix and yours will eliminate the noise, but that one is a real fix and the other is more of a patch. That also is not a bashing of you or your product - it is simply the most emotion-less term that I could use to accurately describe the difference between the two different approaches to fixing the noise.

I do look forward to your detailed response. I dont know what much more can be said about this device than has already been shown but I am all ears. All I know is that my VTCs no longer rattle and all I did to them is what I show in the original post - no stiffer internal spring was used nor did I shim the internal spring at all. Even though I had previous knowledge of how you fix the noise issue by using a stiffer internal spring, I wanted to know for certain whether or not the noise was a result of the piston helix moving or if it was due to the axial slop created from a worn thrust face - so I did not shim the internal spring or use some other spring. Every component in my VTCs are OEM with only the modification of a larger thrust face being installed onto the rear of the cam helix and in installing the new thrust face I also sinched up the axial slop to just a few thousandths of clearance - and it works.

I was willing to take the gamble of only installing a wider thrust face rather than a shotgun approach of doing both that AND shimming the internal spring. I wanted to know for sure if what I was seeing as the problem was really the problem. If it were to have rattled after final assembly I was prepared to pull it all back apart to take another swing at it but I hope you realize that what I have done here is applied my own talents to fixing this problem which have resulted in a fix very different than your own as well as allow me to understand that your theory on what is causing the noise is incorrect.

I know you aren't accusing me of this but I want to make it very clear to everyone reading this, especially for Ric (HaloZ)I did not copy BDE's work. The difference between what I did and what BDE does are based on two completely different ideas of what causes the noise as well as two totally different approaches to eliminating it.

I didn't set out to come run you down on this, Brett. It fell into my lap with Tyler's car and he nor I could justify spending almost $500 for a set of upgraded VTCs so I took it upon myself to figure it out. When I saw something very different from what is stated on your website as being the cause of the noise, I had to know and proceeded to apply my own fix to the problem. When my fix actually worked it became even more evident to me what is really going on and the fact that your VTC upgrade is as expensive as it is and knowing it isn't truly addressing the problem, well, I'll honestly tell you that it got under my skin a little. I try to avoid this website anymore these days - it is rittled with too much riff raff and real misinformation. My intent here is only to clarify what information is correct and what is not. As you can see, there are a number of thread jackers already chiming in on this post - clear evidence to support my position that this forum is plagued - the main post is about VTCs, guys, and nothing else. But I'm prepared, I have my bag of popcorn here as I know it is going to be teh drama. :blech: need more butter...

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