You will have to use the mirrow triangles from the JDM mirrows. There is no getting around it. The only thing you can use from your aspec mirrows is the mirrow outer housing. You can't use the aspec internal piece which bolts to the triangle because in the JDM mirrow that piece and the motor housing is a complete assembly. Also, if you tried to use the aspec piece that bolts to the JDM triangle the three holes will not line up and the metal around the three holes on the aspec mirrows are a little taller. Also, you cannot attach the aspec base to the aspec triangles with the JDM housings installed because of the difference in shape of the bottom of the JDM mirrow housings. Another thing I found, and I don't know if it's because it was an option in Japan, is that the JDM driver side mirrow was the only one in my set of JDM mirrows that had a heated mirrow. I used both of my original mirrow glass pieces. I had to open the JDM passenger side mirrow motor to run the heated mirrow wires through it the way the JDM driver side mirrow had it's heated wires running. I'll explain it all with pictures in the write up.
 (Total Mouse Over Hits: a Lot)