TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Convertible top repair:
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Subject Convertible top repair:
Posted by Zluster on February 22, 2008 at 6:18 PM
  This message has been viewed 2309 times.
Message It was a good day tater:

So my burned convertible had 2 broken top rails, without them the top kinda sagged and would not open/close right.

Well as any vert owner knows they are NLA from nissan and used ones command a pretty penny, and are usually only sold complete with the frame.

Well I had been pondering what to do before I just decided to take these over to a local shop.

They are made from some pretty crappy pot metal, which just broke along the weakest point, where nissan used a screw to hold on some rubber seals and they drilled a hole.

Well I dropped off the first one not expecting that it would get welded, yet only a day later I get a call that it is ready to be picked up, so I went back today paid(owch), picked up the repaired part, and dropped off its twin to be welded.

Hopefully soon I can get out there and install its twin and have this top back to operational again! Woohoo!

And to top it off I got a couple of pitchers of beer between classes, kicked 2 test ass this week, and it hit 52* today so I was able to drop the top on the black vert, wooohooo!

The pics:

The Gods are Just.

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