TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - They could've photochopped the right brand at least...
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Subject They could've photochopped the right brand at least...
Posted by vorpalZ on April 01, 2007 at 9:24 AM
  This message has been viewed 230 times.
In Reply To nissan 400Z 2009 posted by 300znick on April 01, 2007 at 12:16 AM

Unless there's a Nissan/Mazda merger I haven't heard aboot.


The 300ZX Turbo is a dance; it's a song;
it's rolling, roaring automotive art.
There is no color that doesn't suit it.
There is no mood-lifting chemical
substance it cannot replace.

1993 Nissan Ad

I was more wondering how you set your climate control to 22* lol, it would be that fastest freezer on wheels!
- Briscoe'sZ32 (NJ) 23:15:44 02/05/07

You have *got* to be getting a cut from B&B :D - SeedyROM 15:24:29 08/16/06
What do you think B&B stands for? - YugoBernie (NoVA) 15:57:09 08/16/06

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