TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Progress update.
People Seeking Info

Subject Progress update.
Posted by Bret (Generation Z) on January 31, 2007 at 2:54 PM
  This message has been viewed 764 times.
Message Okay I'm at a crossroads I thought I would get some input. The car is in paint now and I'm supposed to give the final okay on what color I want. I'm thinking that I'd stick with the stock yellow base and have a different color pearl put into it (maybe a platinum) but Tony up at GZ Performance suggested the JDM yellow that they used on the 99 Fairlady. Please feel free to add your input below.

Deleted antenna

No more "rock guard"

Bad angle but you can see the new (grey) nose pannel on the fuse box

Removing all the dings and imperfections

Oh by the way, yes, I know my rear wheels are mounted backwards. You can thank the San Antonio Discount Tire for that.

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