TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Sick N/A Z32
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Subject Sick N/A Z32
Posted by dkota1968 on December 14, 2005 at 6:57 PM
  This message has been viewed 170 times.
Message One time I was looking on the net and typed N/A Z32 Fairlady in the search engine. I was checking out all the sites that poped up and faound this article on a Z32 N/A in Japan. I cant remember the magazine or website but the car was insane for a N/A. 12.5:1 compression full out terror street motor and of course nitrous just in case. I was just wondering if anybody else came accross such a car and could tell me where to find it on the net. I even printed it out it was so sick but lost the article. It would be cool to see it again so i can get ideas for the next Z i get

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