TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Yeah, its more expensive.
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Subject Yeah, its more expensive.
Posted by rufflez on August 09, 2005 at 2:55 PM
  This message has been viewed 80 times.
In Reply To Ya that's true. I *think* a new remote from Nissan is around posted by ZXRider(SoCal) on August 09, 2005 at 01:03 PM
Message What you can do is go on ebay and look for a used 300zx remote with FCC ID# a269zja073. I believe the J30 also had them. I know Infinity shit is usually more expensive, but there is less of a demand for that. It may be cheaper on ebay. As for programming directions. When you see them, they are really true. It looks confusing as hell, but somehow it works
something about unlocking and locking doors, popping the hatch inserting the key in the key hole 6 times in 10 seconds and then pressing a button. Wierd crap. The inserting of the key 6 times in 10 seconds resets the ECU. I noticed my clock went back to 1:00 after I did it.

Funny thing is my girlfriend says I'm too fast. Go figure ~jonnyz (DC)

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