TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - JWT Cams: "Mild", "Wild", "Race", 400, 400+, 500, "500+"?
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Subject JWT Cams: "Mild", "Wild", "Race", 400, 400+, 500, "500+"?
Posted by Z-Jay (Edmonton, AB) on July 20, 2005 at 5:53 PM
  This message has been viewed 2913 times.
Message Is there anyone here that has done their own extensive research on aftermarket cam selection? Which would YOU pair with a turbo like the JWT 530BB and why?

From what info I've gathered so far, it sounds like the "mild" (regrind) cams would be a waste of time.

Correct me if I'm wrong but are the terms "Wild" and/or "Race" cams just another name referring to the 400,400+,500, etc. series? Its not clear exactly how many variants of JWT's cams are offered. And their own website is not the most descriptive.

I think I have my selection down to either the 400+ (not 400) or the 500 ('+' or no '+' in the name?). Has anyone done their own before/after dyno comparisons that they can share?


Vice President - Edmonton Z Car Club
93 300ZX TT - Stage VI

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