TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - KLDA Dual MAF Transmogrifier/ Nismo injectors/ SZ new SMICs
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Subject SELLING: KLDA Dual MAF Transmogrifier/ Nismo injectors/ SZ new SMICs
Posted by Alan(MD) on March 11, 2025 at 11:38 AM
  This message has been viewed 23 times.
Screen Name:Alan(MD)
Real Name:Alan Acosta
Location:Waldorf, MD 20601 USA
Research Alan(MD)'s post history
Message I’ve decided do an OEM+ build rather than a massive build, so here are some parts I have for sale:

KLDA Dual MAF Transmogrifier brand new (currently on backorder by all vendors). JWT POP charger is brand new. Stock MAF is used. Selling as a package deal $600

I also have brand new Nismo 740cc injectors available for $900

Brand new Specialty Z intercooler/ intake piping. Polished with black couplers and SpecialtyZ new SMICs $1875

Text me for pics. 201-660-0417

Follow Ups
  • KLDA Dual MAF Transmogrifier/ Nismo injectors/ SZ new SMICs - Alan(MD) 11:38:25 03/11/25