TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - FREE! Rear Speaker Brackets (just pay shipping)
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Subject SELLING: FREE! Rear Speaker Brackets (just pay shipping)
Posted by tommyp98 on November 09, 2024 at 4:50 PM
  This message has been viewed 142 times.
Screen Name:tommyp98
Real Name:Tom Preston
Location:Niceville, FL 32578 USA
Research tommyp98's post history
Message I've got 2 rear speaker brackets for a 90 300ZX 2+2, never used, I'll give them away if you pay the shipping.

I'm just clearing out the garage before I move, and I had bought these 20 years ago to upgrade the speakers but found speakers that could use the old Bose brackets.

I estimate shipping would be $10-15 (from Florida).

Follow Ups
  • FREE! Rear Speaker Brackets (just pay shipping) - tommyp98 16:50:51 11/09/24