TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 300ZX Z32 90-96 A/C COMPRESSOR REBUILT R12 / R134a w. DRIER
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Subject SELLING: 300ZX Z32 90-96 A/C COMPRESSOR REBUILT R12 / R134a w. DRIER
Posted by Bernie (NoVA) on May 07, 2023 at 10:07 AM
  This message has been viewed 721 times.
Screen Name:Bernie (NoVA)
Phone:Please Email
Location:Alexandria, VA 22306 United States
Research Bernie (NoVA)'s post history
Message REBUILT (LHD) Z32 1990-1996 A/C COMPRESSOR (or rebuild of yours)

Professionally rebuilt in the USA, including new clutch bearing and full resurfacing.
It can be used on a R134a or R12 system
Includes new Z32 compatible drier
Compressor arrives with oil preinstalled.

$25 PRIORITY shipping in the USA

I can have your compressor rebuilt and returned to you.
Rebuild has a typical ~2 week turn around time.

Follow Ups
  • 300ZX Z32 90-96 A/C COMPRESSOR REBUILT R12 / R134a w. DRIER - Bernie (NoVA) 10:07:39 05/07/23