TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - BNIB: Competition Clutch/Z1 HD Twin Disc Z32 Clutch/Flywheel
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Subject SELLING: BNIB: Competition Clutch/Z1 HD Twin Disc Z32 Clutch/Flywheel
Posted by Bigwill837 on July 11, 2022 at 2:09 PM
  This message has been viewed 507 times.
Screen Name:Bigwill837
Real Name:William Van Shellenbeck
Location:Austin, Tx 78758 USA
Research Bigwill837's post history
Message I sold my Z32 several years ago, but I was cleaning out the shop this weekend and found this clutch and flywheel.

Brand new in the box - Z1 twin disc heavy duty clutch for 300ZX Twin Turbo. I think I splurged on this during a Black Friday deal and forgot I had it. I’m 99% sure it’s a re-branded Competition Clutch for Z1, but I’m not sure Z1 carries it anymore.

Based on old catalogs, it looks like it retails for $1,200. I need it gone. Asking $750 shipped to lower 48 OBO. PayPal only. Friends and Family or add 3%.

Follow Ups
  • BNIB: Competition Clutch/Z1 HD Twin Disc Z32 Clutch/Flywheel - Bigwill837 14:09:55 07/11/22