TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - looking for the door strickers for convertible Z
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Subject WANTED: looking for the door strickers for convertible Z
Posted by PULSAR GTR on October 12, 2021 at 2:56 PM
  This message has been viewed 474 times.
Screen Name:PULSAR GTR
Real Name:Rafi 300zx
Location:ottawa, on xxxxx Canada
Research PULSAR GTR's post history
Message Hi guys,

I am looking for the passenger door stricker for the passenger side for the convertible Z. There are two pieces, one (female) goes on the frame of the car car where the door locks and the male is a sharp looking pin that goes on the actual door and when the door is shut.

If you have one, please email me

Thank you,


Follow Ups
  • looking for the door strickers for convertible Z - PULSAR GTR 14:56:24 10/12/21