TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - NEW! Blaster Z Door Weatherstrip Seals (2+0)
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Subject SELLING: NEW! Blaster Z Door Weatherstrip Seals (2+0)
Posted by Master_Blaster on September 02, 2021 at 10:32 AM
  This message has been viewed 662 times.
Screen Name:Master_Blaster
Real Name:Brent Lawson
Location:Virginia Beach, VA 23456 USA
Research Master_Blaster's post history
Message I am happy to announce the launch of a new product for the Z32.

Door weatherstrip seals (around door and B-pillar) for the 2+0

This kit comes as a Left and Right side pair.

249.99 shipped for US customers.

Follow Ups
  • NEW! Blaster Z Door Weatherstrip Seals (2+0) - Master_Blaster 10:32:20 09/02/21