TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Jspec 300zx Rear Center Tail Light Panels
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Subject WANTED: Jspec 300zx Rear Center Tail Light Panels
Posted by MLPS300ZX on July 13, 2021 at 4:21 PM
  This message has been viewed 556 times.
Screen Name:MLPS300ZX
Real Name:Scott K
Phone:Please Email
Location:Las Vegas, NV 89123 USA
Research MLPS300ZX's post history
Message Looking for NIB Jspec 300zx Rear Center Tail Light Panels
If you have one that you have NOT used I am willing to purchase and pay $50 over list. I am sick of waiting on the never-ending back-order through Nissan Corp.
Hoping there is a few fellas/ladies out there that purchased but project is on hold/sold/crashed vehicle and still have laying around.

Follow Ups
  • Jspec 300zx Rear Center Tail Light Panels - MLPS300ZX 16:21:17 07/13/21