TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Genuine 99/00 Fairlady Z rear spoiler
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Subject SELLING: Genuine 99/00 Fairlady Z rear spoiler
Posted by 92GTA on June 05, 2021 at 5:36 PM
  This message has been viewed 696 times.
Screen Name:92GTA
Real Name:Alex Claytor
Location:Bakersfield, CA 93311 USA
Research 92GTA's post history
Message US$1,400 plus shipping

I have a genuine Nissan OE rear spoiler/wing from a 1999 Fairlady. It's silver and in absolutely top condition. It comes with the vertical pedestals, plastic gaskets/mounts, and the hardware.

If you have ever seen a reproduction and an original side by side, especially underneath and tapped them with your finger, you can absolutely tell the difference. There is no replacement for the genuine OE article!

It's packed extremely well in a large box with a ton of bubble wrap. I'll be shipping via FexEd with insurance (not marked up) and am willing to ship anywhere in the US and Canada.

Email me for pictures. Thanks, Alex

Follow Ups
  • Genuine 99/00 Fairlady Z rear spoiler - 92GTA 17:36:42 06/05/21