TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Cleaned & tested TT 370cc OLD STYLE FUEL INJECTORS w. orings
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Subject SELLING: Cleaned & tested TT 370cc OLD STYLE FUEL INJECTORS w. orings
Posted by Bernie (NoVA) on April 08, 2021 at 8:19 AM
  This message has been viewed 513 times.
Screen Name:Bernie (NoVA)
Phone:Please Email
Location:Alexandria, VA 22306 United States
Research Bernie (NoVA)'s post history
Message Low miles units. Sonic cleaned, ohm and 12v click tested. Each injector is ready to install with brand new upper and lower O-rings and pintel caps are replaced if needed.

TT 370cc

$45 EACH includes orings
$8 Priority Mail shipping for whole order

I have several available.

I can also add new injector connectors, $5 each or 6 for $25

Follow Ups
  • Cleaned & tested TT 370cc OLD STYLE FUEL INJECTORS w. orings - Bernie (NoVA) 08:19:47 04/08/21