TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Battery tray bracket and Battery cables
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Subject WANTED: Battery tray bracket and Battery cables
Posted by Medici (NorCal) on September 30, 2020 at 4:10 PM
  This message has been viewed 516 times.
Screen Name:Medici (NorCal)
Real Name:Joe M.
Phone:Please Email for #
Location:Bay Area, CA 94589 USA
E-mail:jambam83 at
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Message Reverting a relocated battery and need all the trays and cables for OEM fit and placement. (Previous metal tray was rusted out and completely removed)

- OEM Battery cables
- OEM Plastic battery tray
- OEM Metal tray
- OEM Mounting bracket

I need a complete setup to put the battery back. Let me know if I'm missing anything, it's been a while.

Thank you!

Follow Ups
  • Battery tray bracket and Battery cables - Medici (NorCal) 16:10:45 09/30/20