TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - JWT ECU and Aruba Dave Z watch
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Subject SELLING: JWT ECU and Aruba Dave Z watch
Posted by MeatMan (604Z) on September 21, 2020 at 2:16 PM
  This message has been viewed 688 times.
Screen Name:MeatMan (604Z)
Real Name:Josh Spray
Phone:604-email please
Location:Langley, BC --------- Canada
E-mail:josh.the.meatman AT
Research MeatMan (604Z)'s post history
Message Polished Throttle cable covers - $50 shipped

95 TT 5spd ecu, jim wolf/Dual pop/615 inj/94 octane - $350 shipped

Aruba Dave "Z" watch - $50 shipped

You pay all PayPal fees if that's how you wish to pay.

Email me for pictures

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