TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - third brake light needed, 1994 tt
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Subject WANTED: third brake light needed, 1994 tt
Posted by Dean-o on August 17, 2020 at 8:04 PM
  This message has been viewed 507 times.
Screen Name:Dean-o
Real Name:Dean Herrington
Location:Hurricane, UT 84737 United States
Research Dean-o's post history
Message On page BF-28 of the Nissan 300 ZX Service Manual, illustration #16 shows what they call the Rear Door Finisher (hatchback finisher?). In other places, it's called the third brake light.

It's that plastic strip that attaches to the bottom of the hatchback door and sits just above the brake lights. It's also where the "Nissan" and "Twin Turbo" decals attach.

Mine broke and I'm looking for a used one in good-excellent condition, with all the attachment hardware intact. Feel free to call me at 702-492-6962 if you think you may have what I'm looking for.


Follow Ups
  • third brake light needed, 1994 tt - Dean-o 20:04:14 08/17/20