TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Passenger side TT head/exhaust cam
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Subject WANTED: Passenger side TT head/exhaust cam
Posted by megaDan on August 12, 2020 at 8:52 AM
  This message has been viewed 548 times.
Screen Name:megaDan
Real Name:Daniel Kaul
Location:Hartland, WI 53029 USA
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Message It turns out the battle I've been fighting with my cooling system all year was rooted in a much more serious problem than I had hoped. I found coolant in cylinder 5 on Friday and got the motor opened up last night. It looks like it's only a headgasket, but the rear cam cap was scoured pretty rough, as was the cam.

While I continue to tear this apart I wanted to get a feeler out there so I'm not waiting on parts. With a new baby I can't devote entire weekends to rebuilding this, and I'm afraid if it's down for too long either I or my wife will lose patience.

Looking for a good, preferably untouched OEM passenger side head and exhaust cam. Thank you!

Follow Ups
  • Passenger side TT head/exhaust cam - megaDan 08:52:33 08/12/20