TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Powertric Tension Rods and Front Upper Control Arms
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Subject SELLING: Powertric Tension Rods and Front Upper Control Arms
Posted by jmw300zx on August 07, 2020 at 11:07 AM
  This message has been viewed 584 times.
Screen Name:jmw300zx
Real Name:Justin Wright
Location:lexington, KY 40515 USA
Research jmw300zx's post history
Message Selling Powertrix FUCA's and Tension rods with around 4K miles on them. Good shape with minor scratches from alignment wrenches. The boots on the tension rods are torn
because I added them from old tension rods for added protection. But the boots did not come on the arms from Powertrix and would be fine to remove.

Tension Rods-$120 shipped OBO
FUCA's-$250 shipped OBO
Both-$330 shipped OBO





Follow Ups
  • Powertric Tension Rods and Front Upper Control Arms - jmw300zx 11:07:28 08/07/20