TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 90-95 shell
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Subject WANTED: 90-95 shell
Posted by Nis300 on July 27, 2020 at 12:10 AM
  This message has been viewed 561 times.
Screen Name:Nis300
Real Name:James Fizor
Location:St charles, IL 60174 United States
Research Nis300's post history
Message Looking for an original paint clean shell

Ideally red or charcoal but will look at any color

5 spd

Na,TT, ttop or slicktop but no 2+2s

Closer to IL the better but will travel for the right ones. Biggest thing is no accidents or rust as I dont want to have to repaint it

Follow Ups
  • 90-95 shell - Nis300 00:10:03 07/27/20