TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - '93 TT - remaining part out
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Subject SELLING: '93 TT - remaining part out
Posted by The Hawk on June 30, 2020 at 4:56 PM
  This message has been viewed 969 times.
Screen Name:The Hawk
Real Name:C Ric
Location:EC, MI 49111 USA
Research The Hawk's post history
Message I recently sold my Z and am getting completely out of the game, so I have no need for any parts. All parts listed below are out of my old ‘93TT, which had 85K miles in it. Make an offer, as no reasonable offers will be refused. Also, if anyone is in my vicinity (zip 49111) and would like to come make a “bulk” purchase, I’ll make you a hell of a deal. Email with q’s/for pics.

Diff, minus the output shafts
Ring and pinion gear set
Blower assembly
AC lines (I believe I have them all)
A/C Compressor
PS Pump
Master cylinder
Headlight mounts
Stock pressure plate and clutch disc (virtually new)
Wiper motors, front and rear
Steering shaft
Fan blade
Brake Fluid reservoir
Throttle Cable cover
Trans cross member
Hood latch
Lug nuts
Main Fuse Box
Exhaust Manifolds
Intake piping
Headlight/cruise pod
Tan ABS finishers

Follow Ups
  • '93 TT - remaining part out - The Hawk 16:56:53 06/30/20