TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - SZ MAP switcher ECU chips & passenger window glass
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Subject SELLING: SZ MAP switcher ECU chips & passenger window glass
Posted by The Hawk on May 25, 2020 at 6:36 PM
  This message has been viewed 710 times.
Screen Name:The Hawk
Real Name:C Ric
Location:EC, MI 49111 USA
Research The Hawk's post history
Message Brand new and still in the original packaging: Specialty Z ECU chip for use in their MAP switcher. It has a program for 93 octane, as well as a program for each ethanol content in 10% increments, as well as a "no-start" program. This is tailored for a 5sp, dual POP, ID1000, full breather car. I paid $350. Looking for $200, shipped.

Brand new and still in the original packaging: Specialty Z ECU chip for use in their MAP switcher. It has a program for 93 octane, as well as a program for ethanol, with a concentration at or greater than 70% (E70 and up), as well as "no-start" and "valet" programs. This is tailored for a 5sp, dual POP, ID1000, full breather car. I paid $200. Looking for $100, shipped.

Passenger side window glass (bronze version) from my old '93 TT. It is in very good condition. $125 packaged and shipped to anywhere in the lower 48.

Email for pics/with q's.

Follow Ups
  • SZ MAP switcher ECU chips & passenger window glass - The Hawk 18:36:21 05/25/20