TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Blaster Z Door Keyhole Light Kit
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Subject SELLING: Blaster Z Door Keyhole Light Kit
Posted by Master_Blaster on May 14, 2020 at 11:42 PM
  This message has been viewed 869 times.
Screen Name:Master_Blaster
Real Name:Brent Lawson
Location:Virginia Beach, VA 23456 USA
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Message Door Keyhole Green

1990-1993 GLL Models with the electronic package Z32 came with keyhole illumination on the drivers side door. These lights are designed to glow when you lift the door handle and are meant to assist in placement of the key. Unfortunately these bezels are no longer available from Nissan and due to their small size, plastic construction, and exposure to the elements these bezels often crack, break, or the LED bulbs simply burn out.
Blaster Z has created a replacement for this overlooked and under-appreciated part.
Kit consists of a pre-wired bezel in the color of your choice:
-Cool White
-Soft White

$49 Shipped.

Available at:
Blaster Z Garage

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