TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Shifter bracket RHD 5 spd
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Subject WANTED: Shifter bracket RHD 5 spd
Posted by russpeed300 on February 08, 2020 at 10:45 PM
  This message has been viewed 553 times.
Screen Name:RustyGee
Real Name:russell gopeesingh
Location:Piarco, Trinidad
Research RustyGee's post history
Message Looking for the shifter bracket that bolts to the 5 speed into which the shifter fits. FROM A JDM or other z32 5 speed that is right hand drive. (Shiter is offset from centre so thet differ. Some if you guys must have bought a jdm box and had to swap out the bracket.
Thanks sorry about placing in selling 1st. Error.

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