TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - SELLING: Selling SZ 3" to 2.5" resonated mid pipes
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Subject SELLING: SELLING: Selling SZ 3" to 2.5" resonated mid pipes
Posted by chohanta on January 21, 2020 at 11:14 PM
  This message has been viewed 678 times.
Screen Name:chohanta
Real Name:Talal chohan
Location:jacksonville, fl 32207 USA
Research chohanta's post history
Message These are practically new with less than 1500 miles on them. These are not SS but aluminized version. There are no bungs on these. I can email you pictures per request. Priced to move, $300 shipped.

Follow Ups
  • SELLING: Selling SZ 3" to 2.5" resonated mid pipes - chohanta 23:14:37 01/21/20