TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 1990-99 300ZX Real Carbon Fiber Interior PKG!!
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Subject SELLING: 1990-99 300ZX Real Carbon Fiber Interior PKG!!
Posted by kmahmood(interior-innovations) on January 13, 2020 at 12:15 PM
  This message has been viewed 1794 times.
Screen Name:kmahmood(interior-innovations)
Real Name:Khalid Mahmood
Location:Saginaw, MI 48185 USA
Research kmahmood(interior-innovations)'s post history
Message Only at interior-innovations that you will find so many carbon fiber interior products for Nissan 300ZX/Z32.
Some of the products are

Real Carbon Fiber DD radio bezel
Real Carbon Fiber center console with real carbon fiber cover for ash tray,
Complete replacement Real Carbon Fiber B-Pillars!
Complete replacement Center Console Lid Cover (only for 2+0)!

We use brand new Center console and DD radio bezels to overlay carbon fiber, hance the fitment is perfect!

Center Console Lid and B-Pillars are brand new replacement units!

Price for DD Radio Bezel, Center Console with Ash Tray Cover is just $450
Price for B-Pillars is $205
Center Console Lid Cover = $175

IMG 1627">
IMG 3249">
13940885 10207455309164550 506426909 n">
13936810 10207455309324554 902313881 n">
14632575 10207998800591496 473699431 o">
14646764 10207998800551495 157678289 o">
14672685 10207998800671498 1970317997 o">
14699671 10207998800511494 796807334 o">

Please contact us at if you have any questions.

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