TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 3D printed convertible top striker plates
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Subject SELLING: 3D printed convertible top striker plates
Posted by vorpalZed on September 12, 2019 at 10:25 AM
  This message has been viewed 657 times.
Screen Name:vorpalZed
Real Name:Rob Kiddell
Location:Edmonton, AB T5M0C8 Canada
Research vorpalZed's post history
Message US Orders: $ 20.00 Shipped 1 Set
$ 10.00 ea Additional set(s) (shipped in same box)
Paypal add 3 %

Canadian Orders: $ 30.00 Shipped 1 Set
$ 10.00 ea Additional set(s) (shipped in same box)
Interac e-transfer preferred to

They replace this NLA part for convertibles:

They are designed to click into the stock location (broken stock L new part R):

They look like this installed:

Couple notes:

- they're not smooth on the outer face, there is a texture from the 3D printer bed on the top face. It can be sanded smooth, I don't do this.

- The inner face has a weave texture also from the printing process... I think it looks fine, but the stock ones are smooth.

- there is a bit of adhesive residue in the inside face on some pieces, I clean off as much as I can, need a small pick to get rid of the rest.


Follow Ups
  • 3D printed convertible top striker plates - vorpalZed 10:25:03 09/12/19