*** shipping price update *** Us lucky Canadians... we get to pay $ 10.00 more for shipping! There is no small item rate with no tracking option through Canada Post... I can ship a set of plates to the US for under $ 10.00 CDN... cheapest I can do it here is $ 17.00... and I've explored the 'cheap shipping alternatives' (DYK Post, Chit Chats) and they are within a dollar of Canada Post... so... US Orders: $ 20.00 Shipped 1 Set $ 10.00 ea Additional set(s) (shipped in same box) Paypal add 3 % Canadian Orders: $ 30.00 Shipped 1 Set $ 10.00 ea Additional set(s) (shipped in same box) Interac e-transfer preferred to rkiddell@edmontonzcarclub.com Have shipped a few sets, have a dozen on hand: 
They replace this NLA part for convertibles: 
They are designed to click into the stock location (broken stock R new part L) 
They look like this installed: 
Couple notes: - they're not smooth on the face, there is a texture from the 3D printer bed on the face. It can be sanded smooth, I don't do this. - there is a bit of adhesive residue in the inside mesh on some pieces, I clean off as much as I can, need a small pick to get rid of the rest. Thanks