TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 3D printed convertible top striker plates
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Subject SELLING: 3D printed convertible top striker plates
Posted by vorpalZed on August 12, 2019 at 11:19 AM
  This message has been viewed 792 times.
Screen Name:vorpalZed
Real Name:Rob Kiddell
Location:Edmonton, AB T5M0C8 Canada
Research vorpalZed's post history
Message Custom designed and 3D printed top latch plate clips for the convertible console. Stock part (left) Replacement (right)

Clips into the stock location, may have to move the surrounding molded interior panel to line up the slotted holes to clip in tight. Replaces this part:

$ 20.00/pr shipped. Will send USPS only as brokerage from Canada to the US is insane using any other carrier. $ 10.00/pr for extra sets or for pickup.

Will make batches as the demand is there. First batch out of the oven:


Follow Ups
  • 3D printed convertible top striker plates - vorpalZed 11:19:48 08/12/19