TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Garage Clean Out
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Subject SELLING: Garage Clean Out
Posted by CarolinaZ_TT on June 07, 2019 at 12:15 PM
  This message has been viewed 789 times.
Screen Name:CarolinaZ_TT
Real Name:Adam M.
Location:Mint Hill, NC 28227 USA
Research CarolinaZ_TT's post history
Message Attempting to rid my garage of a few parts sitting around, majority from my 90TT. Here's what I found in the first round of cleaning:

- Set of Valve Covers (powdercoated red, 7/10 condition)
- Pop Chargers x2 (one is K&N, other is unknown brand)
- OE Taillights (all 3 pieces, 9/10 condition)
- Hood latch
- TT PS reservoir
- 90'-93' CAS and CAS bracket
- Coolant Hard Pipes
- Timing Covers (8/10 condition)
- Center Console
- Air Regulator
- Fuel pressure regulator
- Fuel Damper
- Fuel hard line tree
- Fuel Filter Bracket
- Idle Air hose plenum bracket
- OE 4 bolt dp gaskets (used)
- Cruise Control cable and solenoid
- OE corner/turn signals
- BNIB Greddy Shift Knob
- New Z1 Silicone power steering return and J hose in blue

Happy to send pictures of anything via text - if you are interested, let me know and make me an offer. If you want more than one thing, I'll make you a better deal.

All proceeds will be reinvested in upgraded turbos so please feel good about contributing to a worthy cause :)

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