TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - DUAL INTAKE ELBOW KIT & Pop Charger & MAF connector
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Subject WANTED: DUAL INTAKE ELBOW KIT & Pop Charger & MAF connector
Posted by MLPS300ZX on May 22, 2019 at 2:00 PM
  This message has been viewed 678 times.
Screen Name:MLPS300ZX
Real Name:Scott K
Phone:Please Email
Location:Las Vegas, NV 89123 USA
Research MLPS300ZX's post history
Message Looking for a used dual intake elbow kit, MAF connector and single pop charger.
Must have photos, last time I bought sight unseen and got burned.
Please email me if you have anything available.

Follow Ups
  • DUAL INTAKE ELBOW KIT & Pop Charger & MAF connector - MLPS300ZX 14:00:54 05/22/19